FAQ Regarding the New Recertification Schedule

June 15, 2018

Why are the recertification due dates changing?
The new recertification schedule is being put in place to encourage timelier submission of recertification documents.

When is my recertification worksheet now due?
Starting with the 2018 recertification cycle, recertification worksheets are due before March 1 instead of April 1.

What happens if I do not submit my recertification worksheet?
Certifications for which no recertification worksheet is submitted will be invalidated March 1 instead of April 1.

If my certification is invalidated, what can I do to restore it?
Those whose certifications are invalidated have two options:

  1. By December 31 of the year your certification becomes invalid, you can submit your BCSP recertification worksheet, supporting documentation to meet an audit, and the reinstatement fee. Upon passing the audit, any delinquent annual renewal fees must be paid.
  2. By December 31 of the year your certification becomes invalid, you must register, pay for, and pass the respective examination for your certification, and pay the reinstatement fee. Upon passing the exam, you must pay any delinquent annual renewal fees.

After December 31 of the year your certification becomes invalid, you must apply as a new candidate and meet all current requirements to achieve the certification.

What if I submitted my recertification worksheet but I am audited?
Those selected for audit will be required to submit documents by May 1 instead of June 1.

Are there any fees for recertification?
There are no fees involved in recertification—Recertification and annual renewal are two separate processes.